Reasons to Smile

10 Reasons to Smile Everyday

I am sure you have been told a million times by now that it takes more muscles to frown than to smile. I know you may say why wouldn’t I want to frown to work more muscles, well honey let me tell you there are so many other ways to “work” those muscles than to frown.

I am also sure you have been told to “turn that frown upside down,” numerous times throughout your life. Did you listen? Did that make you smile OR did it piss you off even more?

There are so many reasons to smile everyday. Way more than the 10 I am sharing with you, but these 10 really stick out to me as pieces of information you should know and live by.

1. Because even when you think you’re having a bad day, it always could be worse.

Let’s face it. Life isn’t always sunshine and daisies. That being said though, no matter what the case/situation you are in, there is always a way it could be worse. Smile knowing that in these moments knowing it’s not “worse,” and you are living the best you.

2. Signals your brain to release “feel good” neurotransmitters: dopamine, serotonin and endorphins.

Common/scientific sense now here guys.

3. You are you and there is not another you.

This in itself is something to be happy about and that should put a smile on your face. Just think about it, there is no one in the world just like you. We all are different in some way or another. Smile and embrace you.

4. Tomorrow is always another day.

This may seem deceiving because we shouldn’t take for granted we are going to have a tomorrow, but this is why you should live in the now and smile even when you don’t feel like it. Think optimistically that you are going to have a tomorrow. Not everyone gets a tomorrow. Embrace it. It’s something to smile about.

All the Smiles

5. It’s contagious

I love to see others with a smile on their faces. Sometimes my facial expressions seem very perplexed, but when I see another person with a smile on their face it changes my facial expression to a smile. A smile without words, goes a long way. Try it sometime, you will start a contagious smile chain.

6. It makes you more attractive.

Whether it’s being attractive for another or just you, it’s a good feeling. Admire your body and your intelligence. What’s on the inside makes you the most attractive, so let that light that shines within show to others.

7. Keeps those positive vibes infiltrating your life and those around you.

Positive vibe tribe! (self explanatory) A smile will help attract those around you too you and you will all feed off of each others positive vibes. It will be a contagious smile squad.

8. Because life’s too short not to smile.

I learned the “life’s too short” lesson the hard way a few years back when we lost my Dad unexpectedly. Losing my Dad gave me a whole new perspective on life, simply put, “life’s too short.” Smiling in this too short of life we have will get you a heck of a lot farther than frowning, and it will make you feel better. Live your best life guys.

9. Because no one is perfect.

As much as we would like to think we are perfect, we aren’t, and we know this, however sometimes our imperfections make us frown. Do NOT frown. Embrace the imperfection and learn from it, all while putting a smile on your face.

All the Smiles

10. It relieves STRESS

Let’s face it we all have stress in our lives on a daily basis. Some of us handle it better than others, but no matter how you handle it, wouldn’t it be nice to elevate it a bit more. Smiling will do that. Yes, putting a smile on your face will help that stress level go down. Nothing instantaneous, but something to think about. The more you smile the less stressed you are likely to be.


Life is to short guys to not smile. Live everyday as it was your last and don’t deprive yourself of the good. Start living your best life with a smile.

Boundless Bliss