Boss Babe,  Life

Living with Goals & Intent

Why not live live with goals and intent? Living life with a purpose, a purpose that’s meaningful to you. Living life achieving your goals. Do these sound like something you desire to do? You are likely nodding your head yes right now, because why wouldn’t you?

Maybe this is something you aspire to do but haven’t had the motivation or drive to. Maybe this is something you aren’t exactly sure how to do. I am no expert, but I am going to give you some insight as to how I go about living my life with goals and intent.


I don’t do just goals nor just do intent. The combination is the secret recipe to a happy joyous life. It’s the secret to living your best life, and you always hear people these days using the saying “living your best life.” What does that really mean? Living your best life to me, means living it with goals and intent.

Be patient with yourself, nothing in nature blooms all year.


Goals vs. Intent

Goals: stems from an ambition; uses efforts towards and end product

Intent: living life with purpose

  • Living with intent is living with a purpose, but not planning how you get to the purpose. Where as living with goals is setting an end product and planning/working towards that end product.
  • Goals are more formal and intents and less formal.
  • Goals are something that happens in the future, whether near or far. While intentions are in the present. Living your life with intention is living with purpose and finding purpose in everything.
  • You achieve goals. You set intentions that give you a purpose and build the relationships around you.

Remember that once you dreamed of being where you are now.

Dreams and Intents

Why Life Needs Goals & Intentions?

If you ask me you definitely need both goals and intentions. I am sure not everyone agrees with this, but that is ok. Everyone lives there life differently and this is what is amazing to me. We all walk to the beat of our own drum. We all need different things in life.

Keeps you living in the NOW and planning for the FUTURE

You live in the present and future. You are finding purpose in the NOW and using your goals to plan for the future. It gives you that balance in life that you need. The balance that makes your world go round. Your world spins differently than anyone else’s. Make sure you live with your own intentions and not those of others. Make sure you set your own goals and don’t set goals that revolve around how someone else wants you to be. You are you and there is only one of you.

Look closely at the present you are constructing. It should look like the future you are dreaming.

Alice Walker

Setting Intentions

  • Dream: Let yourself dream and live in the moment.
  • Gratitude: Have gratitude everyday. Write down what you are thankful for.
  • Show Up: You need to show up not only for you but for everyone in your life. You need to be present in what is happening NOW. Give 100% of you.
  • Awareness: Be aware of all that is around you and what you are surrounding yourself with.
  • Universe: Know the universe has a plan for you.

Setting Goals

  • Write it down: Write down your goals. Make a list. Refine the list and keep refining the list.
  • Break it down: Break down the goals you wrote into attainable pieces. Some goals will have more pieces than others. It depends how big or small they are.
  • Plan: Now make a plan. Plan out how you are going to achieve that goal. Know it’s going to take time. Goals don’t happen over night. If this stresses you out, when you break down your large goal, break it into smaller goals. Smaller goals are more rapidly attainable and will ensure you keep feeling accomplished.
  • Steps: Keep taking steps forward. Know that sometimes you will take steps backward or stand still. This is OK. These are learning lessons and will only help strengthen that end goal.
  • SMART: Make sure when writing your goals you use the SMART method. Make them Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time bound/Trackable.
Boundless Bliss