Adapting to Change
Boss Babe,  Life,  Motivation

Adapting to Change: 6 Tools to Get you to the Other Side

Change is inevitable. We wouldn’t get very far if there was no change and adaptation to our surroundings. Think about it. Imagine a world in which we didn’t adapt or change with the times. How advanced would our society be? What would the world look like?

When a change comes your way, whatever it may be, you may be resistant; you may be in shock or even angry or frustrated. It’s ok to let yourself feel those things. It’s only natural, we are human, but DON’T let those thoughts consume you or linger too long. Typing this to you it sounds way easier than it actually is. Sure some changes will be easier than others, but the way to get to that adaptation and feeling like you own the situation(s) all stem from using the 6 tools below.


Literally breathe. If you have an Apple watch, it likely tells you to breathe all the time, why? Breathing calms you down and takes your body back to more of an equilibrium. It allows you to think rationally, rather than with emotion. Take a minute and breathe…deep breathe in and long exhale out. Do this as long as you feel needed. I find usually a minute or so helps. It brings me back down to a “normal” level.

I quote “normal” because “normal” isn’t a single definition. Everyone’s normal looks different. Don’t judge your normal off someone else’s. They are all different and that is totally ok.

Change Your Mindset

Mindset is everything. In fact I could talk to you for days about mindset and establishing the right mindset for different situations; another post though. There are two types of mindsets; growth mindset and a fixed mindset. Now that I tell you this I am going to wipe the fixed mindset out of your brain. We are all going to say bye to that right here and right now. Let’s pretend that it doesn’t exist, because if you really want to adapt to change and move forward and up, then you can’t function with a fixed mindset. It just won’t work.

Fixed Mindset:

  • I don’t like to be challenged
  • Views feedback as personal criticism
  • Feels threatened by others successes
  • Believes intelligence and talent are fixed

Growth Mindset:

  • Failure is an opportunity to grow
  • I like to try new things
  • Challenges help me grow
  • Welcomes feedback

No matter what the change is I challenge you to look at it and find the good in it OR what you can learn from it. Don’t think of the change negatively, even though it may seem that is the only view of it.

Example: The meeting you just ran didn’t go as planned.

Growth Mindset: While the meeting didn’t go as planned, I learned XXX and the challenges presented will help me grow.

One Foot in Front of the Other

I challenge you to not look back and dwell on the situation that caused the change. The normal cadence of just about everyone is forward, so why let our brains and thoughts go backwards. Yes, briefly pause and reflect on the change that has come your way, but then move forward.

Dwelling in the past or on that one thing is really not going to help you. In fact it’s likely to get those emotions going and cause increased stress and anxiety.

Give Yourself Grace

One of the hardest things you will do if you are a type A individual like myself. Give yourself grace in my mind means letting yourself be and feel and do. When something happens such as change, you need to give yourself that moment or two to let yourself feel for a bit. Give yourself the kindness that you would give to others in that situation/change.

Remove the Word “Perfect”

We have it engrained in us that perfection is what we need to aim for and it’s not; excellence is what we need to aim for. When we are adapting to change and moving forward, get it out of your head that everything has to look perfect. It’s ok for things to be messy for a bit, you will figure it out and learn and grow from the situations. Always keep that end goal of “excellence” instead of “perfection.”

We were not designed to be perfect nor are capable of being as such. Keeping an end goal of “excellence” allows you to have that freedom and wiggle room to make mistakes, and be ok with it. With change things are going to happen, whether they be good or bad, but keep your end goal for every change that comes your way the same; let us aim for excellence on the other side.


Be flexible. Things aren’t always going to go as you saw them going. Allow for that wiggle room, and know that with that you can accomplish anything.

In tackling change you need to be flexible. Changes that come your way can be planned out or abruptly occur. Either way, whether you have had time to plan for the change or not, you need to be flexible. There is a high probability that things are not going to 100% go as you foresaw them going. Have a contingent plan if that makes you feel less anxious and stressed, but know that you are capable of thinking on the spot as long as you keep in mind the need to be flexible. There isn’t one right way to tackle that “change.”


Adapting to change isn’t easy, but it’s definitely something that can and needs to be done to keep moving forward, and not dwelling in the past. Using the 6 tips above change can easily be navigated. You will come out on the other side stronger and more capable of handling challenges that come your way.

Cheers XOXO Boundless Bliss