Book Reviews

“Boss Bitch”


I just read one of the best books I have read in a long time. It is by far the best professional development book I have read to date. Nicole Lapin, really hit it out of the park with “Boss Bitch.” Nicole you did a fabulous job on this book! I am recommending every “boss bitch” read this book. I love Nicole’s fluency, she speaks freely and is just herself. She doesn’t stray away from saying exactly what she thinks, and I LOVE IT!


“ A woman is like a teabag; you never know how strong it is until it’s in the hot water.”

-Eleanor Roosevelt-


“Boss Bitch” is divided up into three sections: the boss of you, boss at work and boss of your own business. While I am not going to divulge the exact details of Ms. Lapin’s book, I will elaborate on my own “boss bitch” life and how it parallels with the book, “Boss Bitch.”


“Good leaders aren’t boxes who don’t fuck up; they are bosses who take responsibility for things when they do fuck up.”

-Nicole Lapin-


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Not Taking “NO” For An Answer

I have been told “no,” so many times. I don’t know if I would even like to count the number of times people and companies have told me “no” you can’t do that because of XYZ. I have never let “no” stop me and get in my way. One “no” that really bothers me is, “No Jessica, you can’t be promoted because you don’t fit the “cookie cutter” recipe for that promotion.” Well let me tell you, that doesn’t stand with me at all.

I don’t believe in “cookie cutter” job descriptions and promotions. Why you ask? Everyone is different and has a different agenda when it comes to work. Just because you have 10 years of experience doesn’t mean you are better than the person with 3 years experience. It all comes down to what the person has done with their time during those years. If you really want to get me fired up tell me I can’t, because I will turn right back around and show you I can. I have showed those individuals who believe in the ideology of “cookie cutter” promotions that I can and I will. You can too! Really you can; all you need to do is believe in you. You the Boss Bitch, you.


“Forget your age. Live the life you always wanted. And remember, today is the youngest you’ll ever be!”

-Nicole Lapin-

Being Me

I constantly strive to set myself apart from others, and do this by following me. I do not follow what XYZ individuals told me to do, or told me to be, I follow me. I am who I am and I embrace this everyday. Yes, I am constantly working on who I am as a Boss Bitch by developing myself and diversifying my interests.  While striving to be a more well rounded Boss Bitch I do this with intentions for me, not for anyone else. Embracing who you are and owning up to “you” will help empower others. One of my signature phrases, both verbally and in communications is, “have a fabulous day.” How did I come up with this you ask? Life is too short not to have a fabulous day, and I tend to always be an extremely positive person.


“…but you are going to fail–at least at some things, some of the time. So, mentally, you’ve gotta be down with failure.”

-Nicole Lapin-



While further formal education is great, life experience is even better. There is only so much you can learn via “books.” Some things just have to be learned simply by living. I have found the biggest lessons in life have come, what Ms. Nicole Lapin calls “fucking up” and owning it. I ALWAYS take responsibility for what I have done wrong. Don’t get me wrong, it’s extremely hard to know I have done wrong.

One of my good friends once told me as I was mentally beating myself up for making a mistake, “Jessica, you have done 100s of things right this week and you are focusing on the one thing you did wrong. The one mistake you made didn’t kill anyone and didn’t cause undue harm, so take a breath and embrace you and all you do right everyday and on so many levels.” I have taken this one friends advice to heart, and as hard as it is and as hard as I am on myself I try to focus on all the good I have done in life when I do make that mistake and then move forward and own the solution.  I am definitely my own worst critic and will probably always be.


“Yes, we are always reminded that time flies. But guess what? You’re the pilot, so let’s fly bitch.”

-Nicole Lapin-


I am a highly organized woman. I have a planner for work, my personal life, my wedding, my blog, you name it. I love embracing the biomechanics of my arm moving and physically checking off things being done. There is something super refreshing about making that “check.”  Having control of my life and all the tasks that need to be done help me control and own my time and life.


“…we Boss Bitches are: classy, sassy, and badassy.”

-Nicole Lapin-


Ladies and gents, please do yourself the favor and pick up or order Ms. Nicole Lapin’s book, “Boss Bitch.” There is a link in the section, shop- books to read for a quick click to buy. Time flies, so start today and take control of your life and the Boss Bitch you are; own it!


“Happiest girls are the prettiest.”

-Audrey Hepburn-