Wash your Face
Book Reviews,  Life

Girl Wash Your Face

I bow down to you Rachel Hollis for writing this book and sharing your vulnerabilities with us. “Girl Wash Your Face” is an extremely relatable book. It reflects on all the everyday things we as woman, men and parents think, but no one really says out loud. Society has placed a pedestal on having a glamorized life, when in fact the reality is that we are all human beings. We are human beings who make mistakes, grow from those mistakes and fall down but get back up. Rachel elaborates on numerous “lies” and tells the sole truth. The truth that many of us know, but don’t have the strength to vocalize it. Our society needs more woman like Rachel Hollis. We need to see the real, not the glamorized unrealistic, no one makes a mistake like, because let me tell you that is 100% FAKE.

Rachel Hollis goes through numerous different life lessons in her book; pick it up and read them. I am not going to splurge her thoughts her, as my rendition wouldn’t serve her book justice. I am splurging my thoughts. You see Rachel really got me thinking and led me to divulge the below.


We all have them, but don’t really share them. Insecurities are the common denominator to all our lives, but why don’t we hear about them more often?  Insecurities are not something our society talks about. Being insecure isn’t necessarily frowned upon, but isn’t out there for the world to see. We need more people to be open and honest. Honestly is the best policy they say, but why don’t we see more of it? Rachel Hollis has encouraged me to be even more transparent than I already am. While I feel extremely vulnerable sharing my insecurities and “downfalls,” I will. I will to hopefully inspire you as much as Rachel Hollis has inspired me. Her positive outlook on life and encouraging others is a breathe of fresh air. Step out of the square box your in and become a societal bad ass. Yes, I said “ass” because there is really no other word that suitably takes it’s place.

“I didn’t want to admit that I’d just wet my pants, so I doused myself with a bottle of water.” 

Rachel Hollis

The Comparison

We all are guilty of it. We unconsciously or even consciously compare our selves to others. It’s time to live your best life ladies and gents. It’s time to live the life of you and to stop comparing yourself to every other human being out there. We all were made different, which means we all lead different lives. Comparing yourself to others will only lead you to be further unhappy with who you are. EMBRACE who you are. Whether it be your curves, intelligence, job, fashion sense, you name it, you can compare it. Stop comparing, live YOUR life. Be YOU.

My uncertainty is proof that I was trying to grow.

Rachel Hollis

I’m Not Good Enough

You are good enough. You are good enough. Keep telling yourself that daily. You aren’t the same person as your friend, neighbor or work colleague. You are you and YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH. There is always room for improvement, but don’t let your path in getting there deter you from thinking you aren’t good enough.

As a woman I see countless other woman say those words, “I’m not good enough.” This belief of theirs not only effects them, but effects the path of who they grow to be. If you don’t believe you are good enough for a job, well I will straight up tell you, you will never be. If you believe though, you are good enough, you will be.

Another belief I see woman believe more often than not is that their appearance isn’t good enough. They wrap the idea in their mind that just because they don’t look like the photo shopped pictures that are prominent in society that they aren’t good enough. Let me tell you that idealistic image of the woman that society shares is unrealistic. What you have to offer is different than any other person. You are unique. You offer your world and that is more than good enough.

I’m Not a Good _____

Everyday our minds race, they race around thinking of all sorts of things. Of these many things our minds are likely to stumble upon a thought that, “I’m not a good____.” You fill in the blank; mom, wife, exerciser, cook, sewer, reader, etc. The list goes on. This again goes back to comparing yourself to others. You see others who you THINK are good moms, wifes, cooks, etc, but little do you know they may think they aren’t good. They have insecurities too. We all do, but you need to stop comparing yourself to others. You are doing the best you can. Ask for advice when you need it. Stop dwelling on the negativity. Everything will fall together exactly how it’s supposed to. Let “good” be defined by you and not by others. See the good in everything.


Rachel Hollis

I love how Rachel Hollis walks through numerous life experiences and shared how she herself felt she wasn’t a good ____. Rachel calls these “lies” in her book, and I love that she does. Lies are exactly what they are. We tell ourself lies so much that our brains begin to believe them. We don’t learn how to be “good” over night. To say I am a “good” wife is a lie when you look at the societal definition of “good wife,” however I am my definition of a good wife. I have learned so many things and continually strive to be better. My growth and desire to continually better myself makes me a “good” wife if you ask me. Yes, sometimes dinner doesn’t get made, or the laundry doesn’t get done, or I get super behind, but that’s ok. That’s life and I still tell myself I am GOOD.

You need to be kind to yourself, because if you aren’t kind to yourself no one else will be.

Jessica Hotter

I Can’t

Why do the words, “I can’t,” have such a strong hold on our life? Those two words control us more than we know they do. Every time you tell yourself “I can’t” I want you to follow it by telling yourself, ” I can, I am strong, I am me, I can do anything I put my mind too.” Why do I want you to do this? I want you to tell yourself you can, because even if that first time you still “can’t” the effort of telling yourself you can will lead you to doing.

Every day you get to choose the way your world looks.

Rachel Hollis

Raise your hand if you are guilty of telling yourself “I can’t.” Is your hand raised? Mine is. As much as I would like to think I don’t tell myself those controlling words, “I can’t,” I do and have. I am human, we all have insecurities and thoughts of “I can’t.” What I do tell myself after I tell myself I can’t, is tell myself, ” I can, I am strong, I am me, I can do anything I put my mind too.” I keep telling myself this until I can.

You product it because you believe your creation deserves to be out in the world.

Rachel Hollis

Girl Wash Your Face

I can’t tell you enough, go buy Girl Wash Your Face.  It doesn’t surprise me that this book is a New York Times Best Seller. You see this book is the first in a long time that is 100% honest and transparent. It’s the first book that really has me believing it’s ok to share my vulnerabilities and really be me. Let’s vow to share the true us everyday. This doesn’t have to be glamorous, it just has to be you. The world truly will be a better place if we ignore all societal norms and just follow our own path. As Rachel Hollis would say, “Girl Wash Your Face.”


Boundless Bliss
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