Health,  Life

Sustainable Diets

We are at the end of the first week of the new year. Yay 2019. How are you doing? Are you still following your resolution? Have you found difficulties with your resolution? Maybe you need some help to make it more of a lifestyle change? Ladies and gents, I am here to help. Now I can’t do it for you, but I can give you all the advice I use and hope it works for you. Tweek it as you see needed to fit into your lifestyle. I am all about making LIFESTYLE changes, ones that are sustainable.

One of the most common things people do for their new years resolution is going on a diet. Most people get the misconception that a diet means eating less and starving yourself. Wrong, wrong and more wrong. A diet is what you eat on a normal daily basis. Your diet differs from mine, that differs from my neighbors, friends, etc.

Many people start different types of diets. Maybe it’s weight watchers, maybe it’s Keto, maybe it’s the south beach diet. I am not trying to bash these diets, because maybe they will work for you for the rest of your life, but there is a high probability that you will fall off that diet bandwagon and go back to you lifestyle/diet prior. Why not start a “diet” that is sustainable? A diet that you can live by the rest of your life, a sustainable diet.

Sustainable Diet

Don’t Starve Yourself

As mentioned above most people think diet means starving yourself. People then wonder why they aren’t loosing weight when they are barely eating. You aren’t losing any weight because your body thinks and knows your starving yourself, so any amount of food you stick in your body is going to be stored as a fighting for your life storage/source. Point here is EAT.


Eating in moderation is key. Don’t over indulge and don’t limit yourself in having what you want. I eat healthy most of the day, but I do have a glass of wine and/or chocolate sometimes in the evening. I don’t overindulge on them, I have a small portion, but it keeps my cravings under control and keeps me from overindulging.


Don’t stock your fridge and cupboards with all “junk” food. Stock it with healthy eats. There are so many healthy snack options out there these days. I know they aren’t always the cheapest, but at the end of the day you need to think of it as investing in you. Without you, your life wouldn’t go round and round. My favorite current snack is Enlightened Roasted Broad Bean Crisps. They are high in protein and fiber and gluten free. Better yet they come in numerous different flavors and are fabulous salad toppers as well.

Diversify Your Eats

Almost anything you can think of can be made in a healthier way. Don’t just stick to the typical fish/chicken, veggies and rice. Broaden your horizons. There are so many good healthy cookbooks out there these days. Pick a different one up every couple of months. This way you are eating healthy and different foods. The win to this is you don’t get sick of your “diet” and your body doesn’t get “used” to what you eat.

Cheat Meal

Every diet needs a cheat meal or two. Maybe it’s that you indulge in some pizza or mac and cheese. Gosh, you can clearly tell where my mind is at…CHEESE. Make sure you treat yourself. As much as “bad” and “unhealthy” food isn’t good for you and will likely make you feel more awful after, let yourself have that freedom. I find letting myself have that freedom leads me to desire it less. If I deprive myself of all the “bad” foods I crave them like no other and overindulge when I do eat them.

Why do I say “cheat meal” above? I find I stay more on track when I let myself have a couple cheat meals a week versus one day. Having one day my body feels like absolute crud the next day and I really throw off my swing. I then spend the rest of the week trying to get back in the swing all before I have that “cheat day” again. I tend to have a cheat meal here and there. Maybe it’s I have a sweet roll on Friday morning for breakfast. Maybe it’s Sunday night we make a huge pasta meal. Whatever it is, I do “cheats” in meals instead of days. It will keep you healthier, I promise. It will also give you more freedom.

My Lifestyle Diet

I have struggled with self image on more than one occasion. It’s hard to see your body develop more in some areas than others. It’s hard to not look like that twig model that society frames the idealistic body to look. I eat healthy, workout and eat “bad” at times. I don’t cut any food groups out, some are eaten less than others, but moderation and variety is key. I really have embraced my body over this last year. Now it’s time for you to do the same. Make a change to better you life, not just you now, but the long term you. Embrace you and your body.

Boundless Bliss
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