Planning New Year New You

New Year New You

Resolutions. Why is it that the new year leads us to make resolutions? Why don’t we make resolutions at other times of the year? What is symbolic for you about a “new year.” Maybe a new year signifies new opportunities? Maybe is signifies a fresh start. Why did you wait until the new year? Any day can signify a fresh start. Any day can signify a new year for you.


Resolution by definition in the Merriam-Webster dictionary is, “the act or process of resolving.” What do you want to “resolve” in your life? What do you need to make better to be a healthier you? Why do so many people “resolve” that something, and then break it? It only leads you back to leading a “broken” life. Make the lifestyle change and LOVE you.

Strong Start- Falling off the Bandwagon

I can tell you my least favorite part of the year in the gym in the month of January. Why you say? January is the one month out of the year that the gym is packed. I don’t mind a packed gym, but I do mind people QUITTING on themselves. It’s really hard to see people start to workout and then fall off the bandwagon in less than a month. My 365 days/ 52 weeks/ 12 months resolution is to always be kind to me and LOVE myself. That includes working out, but it also includes doing things just for me. I don’t make this resolution at the new year. It’s the philosophy I live by, because LOVING yourself should always be a part of your life.


I challenge you to not make a “new years” resolution, but to make a life resolution to be the best you, that you can be. Maybe that means eating healthier, maybe it means exercising more, maybe it means you set aside a half hour a day for you to do what you need to do. Whatever it is, I want you do make it your “life” resolution, not just for the new year. I promise you, once you get in the habit of doing it, you will feel so refreshed. Yes, you can still add to your lifestyle changes/resolutions every calendar new year, but don’t let that change what you have already put into place for yourself.

Planning your life


Holding yourself accountable can be hard. Pending what your resolution is there are different ways to hold yourself accountable.

Partner in Crime

Recruit a friend, husband, sister/brother, parent or boyfriend to hold each other accountable. Maybe the life resolution of you is working out 3 days a week, maybe it’s not eating potato chips during the week (one of mine) or maybe it’s reading more. Whatever it is recruit a friend. Hold each other accountable. Make sure each other works out, eats right or even gets to a certain chapter in the book you are both reading together.

Writing it Down

I can’t stress enough to write your goals down. In today’s day and age most of what we write and do is electronic. I may be old fashion, but I still keep a planner and have a notebook where I write down positive affirmations. Writing it down seems to hold me more accountable and make the goal and/or dream come to fruition.

Lifestyle Change/Resolutions

Comment what your lifestyle change/resolution is below. I would love for this to be a spot to help hold you accountable. If you are posting your resolutions on social media please hashtag them #allthebliss. This way we can support each other on our lifestyle changes.

All the Bliss of Planning

Best Moments of 2019

  • I grew stronger both professionally and personally through many events I am not able to share.
  • I switched blogging platforms and now self host my blog, which has given me the freedom to be more creative and share more with you.
  • I got MARRIED.
  • We moved into a larger house with a yard for our pup and room for both my husband and I to have home offices.
  • I took the most epic girls/bachelorette trip to Napa.
  • I wrote my first sponsored blog post with Wisconsin Cheese.

2019 Goals

  • Grow my blog to become profitable.
  • Travel more with my husband.
  • Work on furnishing our new house.
  • Spend more time with friends and have more carefree moments.
  • Live a healthier life.
  • Work on being a better me.
  • Soak up #allthebliss