
Work Week Grind

Mondays. How many of you dread Mondays and the work week grind? I used to dread Monday’s but realized it’s no different than any other day of the week besides that it comes first in the work week. I also really got to thinking why I “thought” I dreaded Mondays. The conclusion I came too is that there is a societal negative connotation associated with Mondays. Everyone you hear seems to think Monday’s are the worst. Why should I dread Monday’s when I love my job and have so many other things to be thankful for? When I took this step back and really evaluated it I realized there is no need to dread it, but instead live for it. Start each week off with pep and energy in your step from resting all weekend. It’s the start of those weekly goals you set. It’s the chance to start fresh. It’s the bliss that many don’t see.


I would love for others to see Mondays and the start of the week in a more blissful manner. Take a step on the ambitious and wild side with me. Live for those moments and crave the energy success brings. Let every weekday be something you live for and strive to be a better you. Be that boss babe I know all of you can be.  Below are a few of my success and weekly grind tips for you:



  • Self Love

Love you and what you stand for. Believe in yourself. Having self love with give you that vibrance and glow others often comment on admiring in others. Get the glow and vibrance!


  • Optimism

Believe that the glass if half full and not empty. Why be a Debbie downer? Where is it going to get you? I can tell you it’s not going to get you any further in life. In fact being the pessimist will only bring you down further. Don’t dwell on the negative or mistakes. We ALL make mistakes we ARE human. If you have a type A personality like me, “mistakes” are like a curse word. I used to get super upset and still do at times. To an extent getting upset is ok, but I learned I need to learn and grow from the situation more than be “down” about it. I need to correct it, or put the forever sealing band aid on it, and move forward with that much more knowledge. I learned I need to be optimistic about the situation. While making a mistake is associated with negative, having an optimistic mind while still acknowledging you made a mistake will only help you grow further.



  • Love what you do

I absolutely adore my job. I look forward to it everyday. The constant challenge is amazing and drives me toward excellence. If you do not like what you do take a step back. Think about the things in life you like, and take a new whirl at the whole thing called a job. Life is too short to be miserable and unhappy. The fact of the matter is, we spend at least 40 hours a week working, which comes out to over 2000 hours a year. Yes, you heard me right, over 2000 hours. Why would you stay in a job or profession you don’t love? Have the self confidence to do you. There is nothing you can’t do if you put your mind to it!


  • Organization

Being organized in my job, everyday life, our wedding and everything else definitely helps me be a more positive happy go lucky person. I know what I have to accomplish and I can physically check off items and reward myself for a job well done. People who aren’t organized tend to be more stressed out because they can’t find the up from the down. Everyone stays organized in a different way. I am all about the lists. They are life saving!!!


  • Sleep

While going out with friends on a week night may seem like a good idea. It never is. Sleep is extremely important to our well being and functioning. Our brains need sleep to help store all the information they took in that day. They need to refresh themselves to work hard again the next day. Get some sleep!


  • Workout

“Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don’t shoot their husbands, they just don’t.” -Elle Woods-

Like the famous Elle Woods states, “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy.” Why wouldn’t you exercise? Exercise is a crucial part of my week and weekend. I definitely am super exhausted at points, and don’t really want to force myself to that Pure Barre class but I do. Let me tell you I am ALWAYS happy I did. Exercise and working out just makes you feel better. It not only gives you endorphins but it helps keep you healthy. A healthy body helps keep you going in a forward direction.


  • One Foot in Front of the Other

Life isn’t a sprint it’s a marathon. Take your time and don’t rush. Not everything needs to be accomplished in a day. If you take this advise with a grain of salt you definitely are going to stress yourself out more. This I know first hand. I used to set unrealistic/ over ambitious goals for myself every week, and it would stress me out when I didn’t accomplish everything. With this, I have learned to set smaller more realistic but still ambitious goals so that everything can be accomplished. Know that large projects can be broken up into multiple smaller components. Don’t overwhelm yourself and place one foot/heel in front of the other and keep moving forward.


