Sex and the City
Life,  Motivation

The Sex and the City You

I know you heard that Grey’s Anatomy is my favorite show when I shared 29 Things You Don’t Know About Me (Linked here) for my brithday, but another favorite is Sex and the City. I am a sucker for the countless episodes, movies, you name it. Carrie Bradshaw is the spirit animal we all need in life. She is truly the spit fire, tell you how it is, person. Seriously though, the large majority, if not all of her quotes are relatable. I am sharing some of my favorite below.

Loving You

Don’t forget to fall in love with yourself first.

Carrie Bradshaw

My number one rule in life is to love me first. Maybe that sounds selfish to you, but my rule of thumb is if you don’t love yourself, how can anyone else love you? In loving myself I was drawn to my husband. You may be thinking, “well that sounds silly Jessica,” but let me tell you why it’s not. He loves that I am me (even though he tunes me out half of the time), and I love that I can be me with him. I don’t rely on him to make all the decisions, or support me or make me happy. Yes, he does all those things but it’s not that he has to. Your love and happiness solely depends on you. LOVE you!

Maybe the best any of us can do is not quit, play the hand we’ve been given, and accessorize the outfit we got.

Carrie Bradshaw

I look at this quote an an analogy to life. When we are born, we are all given a different outfit. What do I mean by outfit? We are all given individuality. We are given a genetic makeup and an appearance. We are given that one outfit. Yes, we can “accessorize” that outfit by maybe changing our hair color, getting a piercing, starting a new trend, but at the end of the day the base “outfit” will always stand.

Embrace your “outfit” by embracing you. Play the hand you’ve been given, because you only get one shot and life is way too short. You don’t like something about yourself fix it or embrace it. You aren’t the same as anyone else; you are you, and people love you the way you are.


Maybe our girlfriends are our soulmates and guys are just people we have fun with.

Sex and the City

This quote isn’t necessarily something I live by, but having close girlfriends who you feel are “girlfriend soulmates” is extremely important. Yes, your husband or significant other is probably the closest “soulmate” you have, but as you Grandma or Mom maybe told you, “don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” Having multiple people in your life who you love and love you back and you support each other is KEY to a HAPPY life.

After all, seasons change, so do cities. People come into your life and people go. But it’s comforting to know that the ones you love are always in your heart, and if you’re very lucky, a plane ride away.

Carrie Bradshaw

If you have surrounded yourself with the right friends, they will always be there. You find out in a hurry when something tragic or big happens in your life who your REAL friends are. Your real friends will be there no matter what, even if it is a plane ride. You will see each other develop and change as the years go on, but your friendship will never change, it will always be in style. It’s the one thing that go.


Maybe you have to let go of who you were to become who you will be.

Carrie Bradshaw

We all change. It’s enevitable, the world around us changes and we adjust and change with it. We mature, we develop, we change. With change though you have to analyze who you are.

Cross roads are a face of life. Some are more complicated than others. Those complicated cross roads can leave us to really hard decisions. Sometimes we have to let go of a part of us to develop and evolve. It may not be completely letting go. Maybe it’s letting go of one small thing and developing the rest of you. We let go to better ourselves. To better our life. To love stronger. To be more successful. Don’t be afraid of letting go. You have wings darling. You can do it, and you will FLY.

I make mistakes. That’s what I do. I speak without thinking. I act without knowing. I drink so much that I can barely walk. I am a fantastic lover though, and an amazing friend. God knows me well.

Carrie Bradshaw

We all make mistakes. We are human. We aren’t robots or genetically engineered human beings that are perfect. Mistakes are going to happen. The best thing you can do when you make a mistake is learn from it. Try not to beat yourself up too much, even though I know it’s hard. Don’t let people judge you for your mistakes or shortcomings. They make you who you are and form you into a better and stronger human being.

I admit it, when I make a mistake my first reaction to myself is usually negative. I usually harp on myself for making that mistake. While knowing I did wrong/ made a mistake is not the best, I know I shouldn’t make myself feel like crap. I have to consciously and sometimes tell myself out loud, “Jessica it’s ok to make mistakes.” I then have to let myself analyze what went wrong and how I can improve on it. Using that mistake as a learning lesson makes you stronger.

I will never be the woman with the perfect hair who can wear white and not spill on it.

Carrie Bradshaw

Story of my life. Coffee is my number one spill on my white, but I have to tell you guys a story. Months ago I got home later and I said to myself I was going to have a glass of wine and relax; great. I pour myself a glass of cabernet (my favorite type of wine) and head up to bed to watch a movie. Well my long day caught up with me before I even took a sip of this wine. I fell asleep and woke up to red wine all over my white bedding. Yes, it came out. This story shows you NO ONE is perfect. White will be white, and then sometimes maybe cabernet or coffee colored. Life is meant to be messy at times, but it can always be cleaned up.

Sex and the City Life

Love Life

Me and you. Just us two.

Carrie Bradshaw

It was just my husband and I for a little over 5 year and then into our life entered our pup Duke. Even though we have a pup and we have many people come in and out of our house and lives I still embrace this quote. To me this quote means my husband and I support each other. It means it’s us. We are the leaders of our little family.

I’m looking for love. Real love. Ridiculous, inconvenient, consuming, can’t-live-without-each-other love.

Carrie Bradshaw

I challenge every woman to not settle until you have this kind of love. I can’t imagine life now without the man (my husband) who I just can’t live without.


Sexy is what I try to get them to see after I win them over with my personality.


Appearance isn’t everything. Personality does matter. Not that I don’t think my husband isn’t a sexy beast, but his personality makes him that much more sexy to me.

Looks alone aren’t going to make your world go round. You have to surround yourself with people whose personalities you admire.

I’d like a cheeseburger, please, large fries, and a Cosmopolitan!

Carrie Bradshaw

Story of my life. I talked the other day about living life with a sustainable diet (post linked here) and this quote fits exactly into it. This is one of your “cheat meals” ladies. Cheeseburgers and fries, gosh they make some part of the world go round, and then add a cosmo in there, now I am talking about a winning evening. Some days you just have to treat yourself. Maybe it’s not a cheeseburger, fries and a cosmo, but whatever it is, make sure it happens.

Boundless Bliss