Wine Reviews

Cote Des Roses Rosé

Rosé season has officially begun. I am sure I will have to take a break from it here and there as the weather here in Denver is bipolar and the 60s won’t last, but I am going to enjoy it while I can. I have thoroughly enjoyed the “patio” life, chilling with my glass of rosé next to me. The warm/cool breeze blowing my ears, ahh the doggy life. My eyes were a bit big when Mom brought home the Cote des Roses. The bottle, it’s HUGE! More than my puppy belly can take in, in a sitting. It also is very artsy. Mom is trying to get me to see the uniqueness in life and I noticed right away the rose on the bottom of the bottle. I even tried running off with the full bottle before Mom could put it away, but apparently that isn’t allowed. Boo.

Black and White Rosé

“A sip for you and a glass for me.”

Cote des Roses Rosé  2016

Tasting Notes: A floral and citrus rosé with a crisp and fresh finish.

Price Point: $15

Rosé Licking Lips

Where to Buy: World Market, Target,

Région: Languedoc, France

Dukes Rating: This rosé has been added to the buy again list.

Chilling with Rosé

“Cheers fellow 2 & 4 legged friends!”

 Harris Port-Late Bottled Vintage

Boundless Bliss
A Life Full of Sparkles